& Jobs
We recognize our important role in promoting sustainable practices, especially for the economic and social development of local communities. Therefore we promote information about volunteering in Colombia related to conservation, maintenance, education, among others. We also publish the job offers that we, as well as our collaborators and allies, acting within our value chains, have to offer.
Description: www.cunaguaro.co
Place: Carrera 22 Nº 8 -26– Yopal, Casanare
Contact: +57 (311) 6749732 – (310) 8602629
Description: El Encanto Reserva Ecoturística
Place: Palestina, Huila.
Contact: +57 (321) 4723626 – turismoelencanto@hotmail.com
Description: Lagos de Menegua Hotel & Bioreserve
Place: Puerto López, Meta.
Contact: (57-1) 616 04 39 / L-V 8:00am a 5:30 pm – 315- 3266070/68, 314- 4130056
Description: Local Birdwatching Guide
Place: Your Region
Contact: info@pelecanus.com.co
Description: Local Botanist Guide
Place: Your Region
Contact: info@pelecanus.com.co
Description: Local Nature Guide
Place: Your Region
Contact: info@pelecanus.com.co